Calling all book lovers! I’m setting myself a 2019 reading challenge and I’d love for you to join me.
Now, before we get started, I have a confession to make. I set myself this same challenge last year and I did not complete it. In fact, I did not even come close to completing it. My migraines were a little out of control last year and I started a new job (not great excuses, I know), so I only read six books all year and only three of them met the challenge criteria.
However, I recently started a book club – my first ever – and it has really rekindled my love of reading and the importance of making time to do the things I love.
I know what it’s like to be a busy mum (ie not have much time for reading), so I’ll only include 12 books in the challenge. However, I’ll include an additional six books for those of you who will have no problem smashing through 12 books in one year. …