Today we’re getting to know Alli from Motivating Mum.
1. Tell us a little about yourself?
My name’s Alli and I have two gorgeous, spirited little minxies who I am either cuddling or tearing my hair out over! My business is all about networking and this spills over to life – I love, love having loads of friends and seeing them often. Going out dancing at least four times a year is a must! BC (before children) I travelled the world and have been to many, many countries and plan to do so again one day. I have no hobbies – running my business, seeing my friends and looking after the family pretty much takes up all my time.
2. Describe Motivating Mum in one sentence?
Motivating Mums offers support and advice to mums in business, or those wanting to be, in Oz and the UK. …