Father’s Day is just around the corner and I’ve have teamed up with ilovemyphone.com.au for an awesome gadget giveaway.
ilovemyphone.com.au sells quality products that ensure increased business productivity, peace of mind for travellers and achievement of health and fitness goals.
Product range includes include phone cases, screen protectors, portable charging devices, fitness tracking bracelets, portable speakers, ipad cases, car accessories and more.
It’s a gadget lovers paradise!
To help you out with your Father’s Day shopping, I’m giving away 1 x Health Smart Bracelet (valued at $119.95), 1 x portable Bluetooth Speaker (valued at $59.95) and 1 x 13000mAh doca power bank (valued at 59.95) $. Three lucky readers will win their choice of one of these three items.
Here’s some info to help you decide which one you would love to win:
- Smart Health Bracelet -Waterproof fitness tracker. High Definition OLED Screen. Supports both iOS and ANDROID. Activity Tracker & Activity reminder. Incoming call alert. Connects to your smart phone via Bluetooth. Calorie & steps measure and more……
- Portable Bluetooth Speaker – Wireless speaker. Built in rechargeable battery. Standard USB / DC charging port. Digital power amplifier. Output power : 3WBattery charging voltage : 5V. Charging time : 2 hrs max. Playing time : 3-4 hrs. Range : 10m. Comes with an inbuilt microphone. Excellent bass and sound clarity.
- 13000 mAh DOCA Power Bank – Portable phone & tablet charger. Massive power to charge your devices multiple times. LCD Display, so you know exactly how much charge is left in the power bank. Emergency LED Torch Light. Dual Output USB Port – 1A & 2.1A Output, so you can charge two devices at the same time. Compact & Ultra Long Lasting.
ilovemyphone.com.au also have a fabulous Father’s Day offer, where you can purchase all 3 of these items for only $99.95, with free shipping.
Competition Details
Entry is open to all Melbourne Mamma newsletter subscribers. Subscribe to newsletter here.
To enter you must leave a comment on this post telling me “What is one item of technology that your husband/partner or dad, cannot live without?”. Also, let me know which of the three items mentioned above, you would love to win.
One bonus entry if you follow Melbourne Mamma on Instagram. (Leave your username in your comment below)
Competition ends Saturday, 29 August 2015 at 9:00 pm AEST.
Entry is open to Australian residents (excluding the ACT), aged 18 years and over.
Entries not completed in accordance with these terms and conditions will not be considered valid and will not be included in the draw.
Winners will be announced on this website. Any prize not claimed within 48 hours of notification will be redrawn.
Good luck!
My Husband cannot live without his iPhone – how else will he be able to hear the eleventy billion random thoughts that I just need to share with him throughout the day?
Oh, and my instagram user name is abevemi
And my hubby 😉 would love to win the Smart Health Bracelet
Hubby can’t live without his mobile phone! It’s got his music, snaps with pur daughter, work emails and games (for him and our daughter!)
I’d love to get him a comptible health bracelet for when he’s out walking with the pram to keep track of his steps.
My husband can’t live without ‘our’ ipad. I call it ‘ours’ but I can’t honestly say I get a chance to use it! He could do with the charging bank, sounds good 🙂
It would have to be his iPad, he thinks that I don’t know that he pulls it out every night after the kids are in bed to play his crazy games! I think he would love a heath bracelet to track is steps for ‘Step-tember’
My husbandicoot would be lost without his iPhone as he’s a total bookworm and reads everywhere all the time!
He’d love to win the power bank so he’d never get stuck with a flat battery (I’d love him to win the health bracelet and get more active!!)
My Instagram name is Jessimoca
My Man couldn’t live without his phone! He loves to read the paper, news articles and has a recent addiction to Candy crush. His other love is music, so he’d love the portable speaker. He can happily combine his favorite things then 😉
My instagram name is Aieltohs
My Husband can’t live without his Ipod which stores his accumulated music throughout his years.
I would love my husband to win the portable speaker so he can listen to his music nice and loud
My instagram name is LF73
My husband can not live without his phone. He works nights 6 days a week for 12hrs per night and sleeps most of the day. If I’m not home during the day to wake him up. The job of waking him up falls on his trusty phone, but it needs to be set on loud lol. I’m sure he would be happy to win any of the prizes up for grabs. Thanks
My darling husband is another Iphone junkie. He has a wealth of information right in his little sky rocket! With access to all of the favourites including the “Great Doctor Google”, he’s a walking encyclopedia and can tell you aannnnnnyyyy thing you ever needed to know – on the spot! (at dinner, in the car, at the footy, etc, etc.) It does seem to solve arguments pretty quickly I must say.
Would love to spoil him with the Health Smart Bracelet!
His mobile phone as he uses it for work and leisure
my hubbie luvs his tablet as he plays games on it..lol…big baby
instgram name is ms_olivia_and_master_tyler
13000 mAh DOCA Power Bank
The iPad, when the TV has ABC for kids he can still watch the cricket and his other shows on iView
instagram user name @joburkey
Cannot live without his iphone, just a slight addiction !
I would love to surprise him with the Health Smart Bracelet
Hubby can’t live without his sports watch so he can track how many km’s he has run and then tell (bore) me with all the stats on average pace etc etc etc!!!!
Instagram – gingermama77
My husband cannot live without his iPhone, he’s always travelling away for work poor thing. The Smart Health Bracelet would be perfect so he can monitor his health and remind him to exercise during his busy schedule. My IG is melbourne4bubs. Thanks 🙂
As a keen cyclist and MAMIL, my dad would not be able to live without the HealthSmart bracelet to track his fitness progress during his long rides.
My husband could not live without our kids and me. We make his day when he comes home from work! My husband would love the Smart Health Bracelet. It will help motivate him to get healthy!
Music! He cannot live without music, sweet music! The speakers for him – gold – AND if we were lucky enough – we’re going on a big camper holiday soon – be PERFECT for rocking out the tunes and keeping the masses in the campsites entertained with the tunes and of course my singing!!
Instagram follower – KatReade
My hubby can’t live without his iPhone. We would love to win him the portable speaker. My Instagram account is teenz84.
My dad can not survive without his kindle – he is retired now and enjoys his time reading his favourite books while sipping coffee.
I would love to win Health Smart Bracelet.
instagram usename – @dreamdream936
My hubby can’t live without his phone so the DOCA Power Bank would be the best present ever! My insta name is SANJ24
Thank you
Computer and internet – the only place Hubby can go to escape reality and live in a perfect “virtual” world without physically leaving family and reality!
Hubby would love the Health Smart Bracelet
Instagram name – rachelkapsalakis
My Dad is totally old school! As a kid I can remember he use to mow the lawn with a push along lawn mower.
These days he has discovered the motor mower and now he whizz’s through mowing the lawns which means more time for his favourite past time – watching the football!
Hubby loves his computer the most as he uses it everynight to surf the web, play games, research and just do “stuff” on it – he works on computers all day also (so he must really love them to come home at night then sit on it all night as well).
Hubby needs the 13000 mAh DOCA Power Bank to charge his tablet and phone (that gets used a lot also by both him and the kids)
instagram name (have followed you) – sharsimply
My husband can’t live without his GPS – we would spend a lot of our time lost without it!
Following on insta – FionaCostantino 🙂
Please don’t take away his internet access! He loves surfing the net about cars and cars and cars! I would love for him to have a Smart Health Bracelet.
My husband loves the ipad. Its big so he can see it…but he still uses one finger to type 😛 lol. He would also love the 13000mAh doca power bank 🙂 thanks .
My husband would be lost without his television! However, being a newly diagnosed type 1 diabetic due a virus that wiped out his islet cells, I think the smart health bracelet needs to become his favourite! What an easy way for him to track his meals and fitness!
His iPad, the gadget he claims he’s doing work on, but I know he’s really playing. Why else does it accompany him on those lengthy trips to his throne….aka toilet!!
Love to win the healthsmart bracelet.
Definitely his tablet… he hates wasting time so uses it on the train, while waiting for his toast to pop up, while the kettle is boiling and while on the crapper! So I’d love to win the Power Bank for him!
My husband can’t live without his phone – he’s always taking pics of the kids with it, using it to keep the kids occupied when he’s at the doctor and they’re there with him, and loves playing games on his phone to unwind after a stressy day at work. That’s why he’d love a Power Bank because his phone is often running out of battery at inconvenient times (ie, when I need to talk to him!).
My dad cant live without all of his apple products and his tech savy daughter (me) to keep them all in sync for him.
I would choose him the blue tooth speakers to keep him bopping away in his garage while he works.
Instagram user ebespinoza
He cannot live without a computer!! I would love the portable Bluetooth speaker for him!
Hubby cant live without his phone, its his best friend. He would love the Health Smart Bracelet!
My husband can’t live without his Blackberry. The first and last thing he does in bed is check his Blackberry! If he couldn’t check his Blackberry for more than an hour, he would crawl into a ball and rock back and forth screaming mama!