Hi, welcome to Melbourne Mamma – For Mums Who Love To Shop.
My name is Tracey & I am a shopaholic. There, I said it, it’s out there, there’s no point hiding it. I LOVE SHOPPING!
I’ve always been a shopper – according to my mum, from the time I was old enough to talk, walk & carry a purse, I loved shopping. Trips to the shops would involve me taking my own shopping list, written by my mum & dictated by yours truly. Apparently even going to the fruit shop was a thrill (perhaps an early indication that I would later become a vegetarian).
Since becoming a mamma, my focus has switched from buying items for myself & my home, to purchasing gorgeous goodies for my kids. I never imagined shopping for little ones could be so much fun!
When my daughter arrived, I went nuts, there were (& still are) so many gorgeous things around for girls, that I just couldn’t help myself. I had to have everything & sometimes everything in every colour!
When my little man arrived, I thought (for a brief moment) that my bank balance would be safe. Given that I’d never really shopped for boys, I assumed that I would never fall in love with as many things as I did with my daughter. How wrong was I????
One of the things I love most about shopping is finding items on SALE! I spend a lot of time driving all over Melbourne going to fabulous sales, which is often very time consuming, not to mention difficult with kids in tow. Even my online shopping addiction is taking away from time spent with facebook, oops, I mean family.
So, I decided to create Melbourne Mamma’s Market, an end of season designer label kids sale, featuring all your favourite stores & labels in one convenient location! Not only is this going to save you (& me) time but the $$$ savings on offer are going to be huge!
I’ll also share news of sales, both locally & from around the globe and help you find the best bargains, for your little ones & yourself.
I look forward to sharing with you the things I love in life, the places I love to shop & the gorgeous goodies & fabulous bargains I find along the way.
Happy Shopping ♥