Today we’re getting to know Fiona & Miyo from Oishi-m.
1. Tell us a little about yourselves?
We’re two mamma’s Fiona McPherson and Miyo Fallshaw. We both met in the surf industry in the pre-kids stage of our lives. Fi has two munchkins a skinny mini boy 3 years and a 6 year old girl and Miyo has two giant chubba girls 7mths and 2 and a half.
We live down Torquay way so our weekends are filled with beach missions and the outdoors.
2. Describe your label in one sentence?
Limited edition garments for skinny mini’s and chubba bubba’s.
3. What do you make?
We specialise in the coolest denim for nappy bottomed people. Though our limited edition range which is made in Victoria also includes; hoodies, T’s , Skirts with in built knickers, Track Pants and now Jeans for Bigger kids. Our fits suit newborns to 6 years old.
4. What do you love most about what you do?
Our customers are awesome. From our retailers to our consumer customers we all are multi-tasking super humans that are passionate about kids and beautiful kids products.
5. What are 3 of your favourite labels or stores for little ones?
Another made in Aus label Heavenly Creatures, Bergstein Gumboots for this winter and Hoochie Coochie our fav store in Nth Fitzroy.
6. What’s one item you can’t live without?
Both Fi and Miyo are iphone and mac whipped. We both love working, like crazy people.
7. What’s one item your kids can’t live without?
Oishi-m jeans, in and out of the wash every few days, they’ve lasted and lasted. They adapt with rapidly growing children and are super comfortable with soft denim and the tummy toastie.
8. Favourite place to shop for yourself?
Hmmm you could say we both have a Nancybird problem…
10. If you weren’t running the store what other job would you like to do?
Miyo – doing the marketing for something else that is awesome.
Fi – making some crazy clothing probably adults clothing.
11. Favourite place to take the kids in Melbourne or Victoria?
Miyo – Melbourne Zoo.
Fi – Yum Cha Shark Fin Inn.
You can find Oishi-m on Facebook or visit them at