Are you tired of clutter and mess in your home?
I’ve put together a list of 50 things that you can throw away, donate or recycle right now.
I promise that once you’ve made your way through this list, your life and your home should be a lot less cluttered.
- Alarm clock – isn’t your mobile phone next to the bed?
- Lanyards, bags and name tags from conferences you’ve attended.
- Take away menus – the menu is exactly the same online. We promise.
- Recipe books you rarely use – one word: Pinterest!
- CDs that came with computer programs you’re no longer using.
- Travel brochures from trips you’ve already been on.
- Gorgeous but uncomfortable shoes that you never wear because they give you blisters.
- Belts that don’t fit.
- Hairdryer attachments that never get used.
- Wedding, baptism or special occasion favors.
- Makeup samples that you only like because they were free.
- DVDs you don’t watch.
- Scarves you never wear.
- Old bridesmaid dresses – have you worn it since the wedding???
- Travel mugs that leak.
- Clothes that are WAY too small – one size down is OK, but anything more? Just buy new clothes to celebrate!
- Cards you’ve received that have no sentimental value.
- Too many baking dishes – how many can you really fit in your oven at the same time?
- Old mobile phones – trade it in, donate it or recycle it.
- Backpacks or large bags that don’t get used enough – and no, don’t use these as storage solutions.
- Bags from a store – keep one or two – maybe.
- Extra bubble wrap – it takes up WAY too much room!
- Scratched sunglasses.
- Maternity bras that you are NEVER ever wearing again.
- Gifts you don’t really like.
- Books you don’t enjoy or plan on reading again.
- Old mobile phone covers.
- Extra buttons in little plastic bags from every. clothing.item.ever.purchased. Odds are you don’t even have the shirt the buttons came with!
- Fitted sheets that have lost their elastic.
- Worn out or scuffed shoes.
- Old ratty towels – turn them in to rags or get rid of them!
- Instructions books for items you no longer own.
- Old pillows.
- Tupperware containers missing their lid – I promise you’re never going to find the lid. Ever.
- Chopsticks – unless you really REALLY use them.
- Past wedding, baptism and birthday invites.
- Too many sets of bed linens – allow three per bed maximum.
- Stockings with runs – no amount of clear nail polish will take away the run.
- Tiny screws and nails from furniture you don’t even have anymore.
- Hangers from the drycleaners.
- Paper bills you don’t need to keep – who wants to be reminded of how much money they’ve spent?
- Too many hats and gloves – only keep a couple pairs that go with ALL your winter coats.
- Stained clothing you can’t get cleaned.
- Magazines you’ve already read.
- Dishes that don’t stack easily and/or takes up too much room.
- Cooking utensils you have two of – have you ever used two of the same utensil at the same time?
- Craft supplies for projects that you never actually started (or completed).
- Touristy knick-knacks that seemed like a good idea to purchase while on holidays.
- Mugs, cups or plates that are chipped.
- Emergency sewing kits – how many ‘sewing emergencies’ can one person have?
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